Monday, September 30, 2013

Knock Knock Macaroni

One of our first grammar skills this year is using quotation marks. To spice things up a bit I used macaroni noodles. We used knock knock jokes for practice.
First, I wrote out the jokes without quotation marks.

Second, students had to add in the quotation marks.

We wrote on black paper with white crayon to make the words and noodles pop!

Finally, we used white glue to attach our elbow macaroni noodles.

The kids loved the project, and spent the rest of the week giggling over their knock knock jokes.

Back to School!!

First Grade fingers are technically second grade fingers this year. I have looped up with my kids and I couldn't be more excited. Since we are a year round school, it's a good thing I love my kiddos, because we have now spent 5 days a week together for the last calendar year. It will be very hard to pass them on next year though. :(

Our situation is less than spectacular. We are renting a small room in a church building, the same one our first grade was/is in. The staff is great and they take excellent care of us, but my room is unfortunate. The Chinese Chapel also rents the room, and are the permanent tenants. Therefore, I have to clean my room out completely every Friday afternoon and set it up again on Monday morning. Who doesn't love coming early on a Monday to make a classroom functional!? At least on Friday afternoons I have my small army of helpers. They find it fun clearing out the room.

My desk on Monday morning.
At least there is a white board and a used bulletine board!

Banquet style seating is great for most things. Not a classroom though.

I did find a few shelves in the church storage room to use. Now we have a bookshelf and a shelf to use as backpack cubbies! I'm pretty excited.
Our new bookshelf, and a very ecclectic stack of pillows.