Sunday, February 10, 2013

Enemy Pie

Hardbound copy of Enemy Pie, signed by the author
Photo copied from

Our kids are young and still learning how to problem solve. We spent two weeks working of problem resolution including brainstorming problems they have encountered with other kids, ways to handle and solve the problems, role playing these events, and making posters to remind us of positive ways to solve a problem instead of going to a teacher. I have seen an improvement in them too! At recess anymore it is the kindergarteners tattling and I hear the first graders telling me later what they did to solve a problem they had! To kick off our mini unit we read and made Enemy Pie (book by Derek Munson.) Half way through the book we showed the kids an empty pie crust, then threw in dirt and leaves and dead flowers that I had collected earlier that morning from outside. The kids had a great time imagining giving that gross pie to an enemy and what it must taste like.

Making Enemy Pie
Enemy and Friendship Pie
When we finished the book the kids were happy hear it wasn't really a gross pie, but a delicious berry pie that was made. As a surprise, we gave them all "friendship pie" for snack.

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