Sunday, February 10, 2013

Recent Art Projects

We have recently done a lot of art projects. We do art concepts, study certain artists, and do seasonal projects as well. Some projects are just for fun as time fillers in our afternoons. Here are a few of our recent ones:

Snowmen from an overhead perspective.

 Perspective is a hard concept for kids. We did this project to try to show them what that word means, and that not everything is viewed straight on.

Blow art monsters created using water color paint and straws.

The kids got a kick out of these. Most had time to write names for them, and one boy wrote a story to go along with his monster in his free time.

Kadinsky Trees

Kadinsky was an abstract artist and we made abstract trees to learn what that word meant. This was a 3 day process, but they turned out so cool it was worth it. The kids had a lot of fun being creative on these too.  In the future I think I will save this project to do in the spring when the flowers and trees are beginning to bloom.

Snowman Silhouettes were used to work on foreground and background. We did the background one day and the foreground the next. We should have made the swirls all over the page instead of just on the top to make it more apparent which was which.  This lesson also introduced they idea of silhouettes and shadows.

Primary Colors
We are also starting on colors in our art classes. We learned about primary colors, then the kids had a choice of painting a beach scene or a bowl of fruit using only primary colors. They got very creative. The next lesson they learned secondary colors and got to mix colors together, which was also super fun for them!

Art Garland
We aren't allowed to poke holes in our walls and our bulletin boards are often already filled with something, so we used 3M hooks, yarn, and paper clips to make an artwork garland across our classroom. It took forever to tie those paperclips on, but it is so easy to display their work now!

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