Sunday, February 10, 2013

My Little School

I teach at a private school in Kirkland, Washington. I have 8 first graders ages 5 and 6 who are learning at the second grade level. It is a fun challenge to engage their little minds and push them in the curriculum while remembering they are young and sometimes just need a story and a hug. Everyday I'm amazed at what they can achieve and the things they say! Though I never imagined myself in the private sector, I am quickly getting comfortable with the small class size and am very appreciative to the fact that I can give all of them one on one help everyday. I do have a co-teacher in the classroom as well, which is probably the hardest part. I am grateful to have prep time built in while she is teaching, but some days find myself sitting at the desk and twiddling my thumbs because I can't think of anything to do. We are both first year teachers too, so it has been a great learning experience for both of us, and a great situation to bounce ideas back and forth  because neither of us have already established our "ways" of doing things.

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